Tuesday 28 December 2010

More Snow Frolix!

Oooooh I love the snow! ... we've had quite a bit recently again haven't we? I loved going out with Son in it... a few times i nearly got buried..it was so thick and I'm so small hehe...


This December I won some lovely treats from Bob Martin so, as on the run up to Christmas I'd been A Very Good Girl, Mummy decided to open me a bone from it :)

Mummy didn't hold out much hope that it would last in my very strong jaws but it lasted TWO HOURS!!!! .. and kept me very busy while Mummy was Sorting Christmas Stuff..

Num!!! look at me licking my lips, lol...

I hope you had a great Christmas.. I certainly did! On Boxing Day we went to see my best friend Ruby in Sheffield and we had a great day!

*woofs and hugs*

Sophie xxx